This program is great for a STEM, chef club or storytime activity.
Kid's Chef Day! Learn how to make ice cream with this fun cooking class.
Of course start with a great books about ice cream like:
From Milk to Ice Cream by Stacy Taus-Bolstad
Ice Cream by Elisha Cooper
The Little Ice Cream Truck by Margery Cuyler
Ice Cream by Derek Miller
I Scream for Ice Cream by Rob Scotton
Ice Cream Kitchen Experiment by Meg Gaertner.
Dragons Love Ice Cream by Brett Fowler
I recommend reading both a fiction and nonfiction book.
Age Range: Up to 6th grade depending on the book chosen. Kids under the age of 6 should be attended by a parent or caregiver.
Frequency: Once
Attendance: 25
Staff or Volunteers Needed: One children's librarian and two volunteers
Format: Registration
1 cup Half and Half
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup coarse sea salt
Sprinkles (optional)
Gallon and quart sized freezer bags
Fill a large (gallon) Ziploc bag halfway with ice.
Add sea salt to the bag.
Pour half and half, sugar, and vanilla into the smaller (quart) freezer bag and seal.
Place the small Ziploc bag in the larger bag, seal the larger bag, and shake for 5 minutes.
Tip: Try singing Taylor Swift's Shake it Off while you do this....it'll help the time pass.
Remove the smaller bag and rise off the salt.
Scoop ice cream out of the bag with a spatula, top with sprinkles, and enjoy
Freebie Finding Mom. (2017). Freezer Bag Ice Cream Pin. [Image]. Retrieved fromhttp://www.freebiefindingmom.com/homemade-freezer-bag-ice-cream-in-just-15-minutes/