Book shared, Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington (J E Wellington)
Other books to recommend:
Dodd, Lynley. The Apple Tree. Illustrated by author.
Hall, Zoe. The Apple Pie Tree. Illustrated by Shari Halpern.
Hutchins, Pat. Ten Red Apples. Illustrated by author.
Marzollo, Jean. I am an Apple. Illustrated by Judith Moffat.
Rockwell, Anne F. Apples and Pumpkins.
Eat an apple
Way Up High in the Apple Tree-
Way up high in the apple tree
(Hands above head, fingers in circles)
Two little apples smiled at me.
I shook that tree as hard as I could.
(Shake hands)
Down came the apples.
(One arm down, then the other)
Mmmmmm we're they good!
(Rub stomach)
Movement Song:
Winter is finally over so to celebrate, we danced with our scarves to a favorite freeze song!
Quick Applesauce
You will need a blendtec mixer.
2 medium apples cored and quartered
1 banana
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
1 soft date pitted (optional)
1/3 cup water
Add ingredients to FourSide or WildSide+ jar in order listed and secure lid.Select "Sauces" or blend on a Medium to Medium-Low speed for 23 seconds.
Prep: Let kids cut apples once they are cored and quartered using plastic