This book can be used as a way to sneak in a little bit of science into your storytime. Start the storytime asking everyone if they know what an earthworm is? Once everyone has given their opinion, start reading the book, Carl and the Meaning of Life by Deborah Freedman.
Carl and the Meaning of Life by Deborah Freedman
After you read the story share some fun facts about earthworms.
Earthworms breath through their skin
Worms that come out a t night are called night crawlers.
There are over 6,000 different types of earthworms.
The largest worm every found was over 22 feet long.
Instructions for Craft
Take on end of the pipe cleaner and bend in a circle and twist it.

Flatten circle
Twist other side of pipe cleaner around a pencil

Go back to the circle and glue two eyes on your earworm.

Supplies Needed:
Pipe Cleaners
Glue gun or tacky glue
Goggly eyes
Earthworm Maze (under tools)
Kids can take home a earthworm maze. Copy located under tools.
Preparation: None