Introduction: This Storytime is developed specially for children five to eight years old. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to attend the program. Enjoy an hour of reading and a STEM activity once a month.
Date: Friday
Time: 3:30 p.m.
Length of Program: 1 hour
Age Range: 5 to 8 years old
Frequently: Monthly
Attendance: 20 children and their parent/caregiver
Staff or Volunteer Needed: 1 staff member, 5 volunteers (Parents will make great volunteers)
Format: Registration is required.
Room Set-up:
Five tables with plastic tablecloths
Each table with a plastic bowl
Measuring spoons
Budget: $ 67.00
Books shared: (at storytime)

Chalk by Bill Thomas (5 copies) ordered through our consortium.
(Credit: Goodreads, n.d)
Large sticky notes. . $8.00
Plastic Tablecloth (5) $5.00 (any dollar store)
Plastic Bowls (5). $5.00 (any dollar store)
Measuring Spoons (5) $5.00 (any dollar store)
Measuring Cups (5) $5.00 (any dollar store)
Paper Tubes (20)
Duct Tape (5) $20.00
Wax paper $2.00
Plaster of Paris $7.00
Tempera Paint: Green (5)
STEM prep:
Cut 20 pieces of wax paper into 6" x 6"
Tablecloths on each table
Plastic bowls, measuring cups and spoons at each table.
Part I
Children will be broken up into teams. Younger children will be commingled with older children.
In teams, children will take a "picture walk" to the wordless book, Chalk by Bill Thomas.
Each team will be lead by a facilitator. The facilitator will help the team through conflicts but not aid in "ideas". The role of the facilitator is to move the group through the project. This could be a parent or library volunteer.
Teams will generate text to go with the book. They will write their text on the sticky notes and place on each two-page illustration. They will have 15 minutes to complete this.
Teams will meet back at the story rug and share their stories with the group. (15 minutes)
Teams will then go to crafts tables and make their own chalk that they will take home.

(Credit: Wiki How, 2018, October 08)
Part II
To make chalk:
Each team member will take one paper tube and cover one side with duct tape.
Line the inside of the tubes with wax paper.
Combine ¼ cup of warm water with ½ cup of Plaster of Paris in the bowl quickly until smooth.
Squirt in tempera paint until dark green.
Transfer the mixture into your paper tube, once the mixture begins to thickens.
Remove the chalk from the molds and allow the chalk to finish drying about three days.
Once it completely dries, have fun playing with it. (Can take up to three days)
(Credit: Wiki How, 2018, October 08)
Common Core Standards in Mathematics
Describe and compare measurable attributes.
Represent and interpret data.
Common Core Standards in English Language Arts Standards: Reading: Literature
Describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear, such as what moment in a story or illustration depicts.
Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.
AASL Standards Framework for Learners
Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for solving problems.
Teams will be able to work collaboratively as they generate text to go with a "wordless book".
Children will demonstrate the understanding of measuring ingredients to make homemade chalk.
Students will demonstrate the basic understanding of the importance of working as a team in order to complete a task on a timely matter.
American Association of School Librarians (AASL). (2018). AASL Standards Frameworkd= for Learners. Retrieved from
Goodreads. (2018). Chalk. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
The New State Department of Education. (2017). Common Core: Mathematics. Retrieved from
WikiHow. (2018, October 08). How to Make Sidewalk Chalk. Retrieved from
WikiHow. (2018, October 08). How to Make Sidewalk Chalk. [Image]. Retrieved from