There are a few good books out there on hydroponics which would do well for this bookclub:
Plants Live Everywhere! by Mary Dodson Wade
All About Hydroponics by Dewayne Hotchins
Gardening without Soil by Jan Johnsen
After reading parts of one of these nonfiction books, kids will make their own hydroponics system.

I went to a bagel shop and asked if they wouldn't mind donating some plastic containers and tops. I put their name on the kids website as a sponsor.
Prep Work"
Soak small squares of cotton balls in a dilute hydroponic nutrient solution. (Aluminum pan
Plant two or three lettuce seeds in each one, and then place them on a waterproof tray or shallow container and keep moist until seeds germinate.
Find a small plastic container with a lid.
Use a utility knife to carefully cut a 1-inch X shape in the center of the lid.
Cut a smaller X shape in the lid, about 1 inch from the edge, large enoughto insert a drinking straw.
Gently insert the cotton ball with the seedlings halfway through the large X so that it is held securely in place in the lid.
Fill the container with a dilute nutrient solution so that the very bottom of the cotton ball will touch the solution, then secure the lid.
Insert a drinking straw through the smaller hole into the solution.
Twice a day, gently aerate the solution by blowing into the straw.
Aluminum Pans
Cotton Balls
Plastic Containers with lids (Local bagel or grocery store)
Drinking Straw
Cost: $21.00