Take a trip through the universe each week while enjoying stories, fingerplay, singing, and a craft. For children ages 3 and up. For our young patrons under the age of 5 need the company of a parent or caregiver. Registration is required.
Title: Spaceship
Length: 1 hour
Number of Attendees: 10 - 15
The book, How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers

Small paper tube
Red construction paper or red paint
White cardstock
Construction paper
Rocket ship Template (Found under tools)
Gluestick, hot gun glue or double sided tape.
Description of Program: Children enjoy listening to the story, How to Catch a Star by OLiver Jeffers and then create a spaceship to fly up and catch a star.
Cover a short tube in construction paper.
Print out semi-circle and legs for rocket on white cardstock. (Rocket-ship template found on tools page
Cut out cone and legs
Make slit on bottom of the tube for legs.
Put cone on top in shape of cone.
Decorate rocket with marker.
After children listen to the story, they will go the craft table and make a rocket.