Introduction: This Storytime is developed specially for children two and three years old and their caregivers. Enjoy 45 minutes of books, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, socialization and a craft with other young children and their caregivers. Each session of toddler storytime consists of a variety of activities that incorporate reading, writing, singing, talking and playing.

Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Age Range: 2 to 3 years old
Skills Supported: Background knowledge, motor skills, visual tracking skills, and socialization. In addition, Scientific Knowledge: Characteristics of living things
Frequency: Weekly
Attendance: 20 children and their parent/caregiver
Staff or Volunteer Needed: 1 staff member, 1 volunteer
Format: Registration is required. No drop-in patrons are ever refused.
Budget: $15.00
Seeds: $10.00
Soil: $2.00
Dixie Cups: $3.00
Dixie Cups
Plastic Spoons
Bowls for Dirt
Print out Growing Colors Felt Board Template can be found on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder page
Books shared: (from storytime)
Growing Colors by Bruce McMillan
The Surprise Garden by Zoe Hall
Other Books to Display on Book Cart at Storytime:
Allie's Garden by Sabra Chubby
Alphabet Counting in the Garden by Emily Hruby
Counting in the Garden by Kim Parker
A Garden Alphabet by Isabel Wilner
In My Garden by Ruth Musgrave
In My Garden: A Counting Book by Ward Schumaker
Maisy Grows a Garden by Lucy Cousins
My Garden by Kevin Henkes
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
Storytime Preparation
Print out pictures that were scanned from the book, Growing Colors and laminate, cut out and glue sandpaper to the back of each. Copy of the Growing Colors Felt Board template can be found on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder page
1. Storytime Introduction: Welcome to toddler storytime. My name is Ms. Debbie. I am so glad to see you today. Our storytime is designed to be participated by everyone. We will share books, rhymes, and songs with your child. We encourage everyone to participate, but no worries if this doesn't happen. Sometimes when a child sees you participate, they might join in, but if your child is not in the mood, that is okay too. Our Storytime can tend to be a little chaotic, but that is okay as well. If your child becomes disruptive, please take them outside the program room and then join us again when your child has settled down. This is normal, it is part of the process. So let's start with our opening song.
2. Opening Song:
(Credit:No Time For Flash Cards. 2016, January 30)
How Many Friends are Here Today
How many friends are here today?
How many friends are here today
Let's count it out!Let's clap it out!
Let's dance it out!
There are ______ friends on their feet!
Now it's time to take your seat!
3. Early Literacy Aside: Explain:
Today's early literacy skill is focusing on background knowledge, which is simply what a child knows. Children are naturally curious about so many things, even things we take for granted. Talking with them about what we are doing and what we are thinking is an excellent way to support their background knowledge. Today, I'll point out some things you can do to help your child understand what they read.
4. Theme Talk:
Today our storytime is about things that grow. Can you think of some things that are starting to grow outside? I am going to read books to you about some things that grows around us.
5. Action Song:
Row, row, row your boat
Row, row, row your boat.
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
(Credit: Childhood)
6. Information Book and Flannel Board:

Growing Colors by Bruce McMillan
(Credit: Image: Goodreads, n.d.)
As I read the book, Growing Colors by Bruce McMillan, I will ask children (with the help of their parents/caregivers) to bring up the vegetable or fruit that matches the page.
To make the felt board:
Print out the pictures that were scanned from the book.
Laminate, and cut out.
Glue sandpaper to the back of each color.
Copy of the Growing Colors Felt Board template can be found on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder page
7. Shakers Shaker Song -
Sung to the tune of “London Bridge"
Shake your shakers, shake, shake, shake,
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Shake your shakers, shake, shake, shake,
Shake your shakers!
Other Verses:
Shake your shakers high, high, high,
Shake your shakers low, low, low,
Shake your shakers fast, fast, fast,
Shake your shakers slow, slow, slow
(Credit: Mulvenna, L. (2013, January 17)
8. Action Rhyme:
Dig a Little Hole
Lyrics: Dig a little hole (dig) Plant a little seed (drop seed) Pour a little water (pour) Pull a little weed (pull up and throw away) Chase a little bug (chasing motion) Heigh-ho, there he goes! (shade eyes) Give a little sunshine (make sun) Grow a little rose (smell flower, eyes closed)
(Credit: Heiner, H. A. 2005, August 22)
9. Book:
The Surprise Garden by Zoe Hall
(Credit: Layon, 2012)
10. Early Literacy: Example
Books can explain things and get children thinking about concepts and ideas (Ghoting & Martin-Diaz, 2013, p. 31). Today we are talking about gardens and planting. Our activity today will be to plants seeds in a dixie cup. When your child takes the plant home, you can help your child develop their critical thinking by talking about the plant. What do they need to live? (soil, water, sun).You can also help your child learn more by choosing information books that are rich in vocabulary and content on this weeks topic. On the book cart are age appropriate books on the topic. If you don't have time to stay for our activity after storytime, please see Ms. Peggy and she will give you some seeds to take home.
11. Song:
The More We Read Together
[Tune: "The More We Get Together" ]
The more we read together, together, together.
The more we read together, the better it is!
'Cause reading and singing and talking together,
is how you learn the six skills for reading by six.
(Credit: Johnson County Library, 2011, February 8).
12. Early Literacy Aside: Empower
As you read books about various topics like gardening, don't hesitate to add information you know on the topic as well, even if it is not included in the book. Children learn about the world from everything you say and do. All the bits and pieces of information you share with them adds up to develop their background knowledge. This will make it easier for them to later understand what they read while also satisfying their curiosity (Ghoting & Martin-Diaz, 2013, p. 139).
13. Closing Song:
(Credit: L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. (2014, September 28).
Goodbye Bubbles
(Librarian/staff associate will blow bubbles while the parents/caregiver and children sing the song.
Goodbye Bubbles
Goodbye Bubbles
Time to Go
Time to Go
I will help you
I will help you
With a blow
With a blow
14. Storytime Activity:

Ms. Peggy will hand out dixie cup's to each child.
Children will take turns going to the craft table and putting dirt into dixie cup. (about ⅔ from top)
Ms. Peggy will hand out seeds.
Parents will show children how to put seeds into soil.
Children and their parents/caregivers will go back to the craft table and put more dirt into cup.
Children and their parents/caregivers will use the watering can to water their seeds. (Credit: Image: Dixie cup of dirt, n.d.)
15. Takeaway:
Parents/caregivers are given the Early Literacy Newsletter for Toddlers. (Copy can be found on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder page.
Dixiecupofdirt. (n.d.). Soil Clipart Cup. [Clipart]. Retrieved from
Ghoting, S.N., & Martin-Diaz, P. (2013). Storytimes for everyone!. Chicago, IL: ALA
Goodreads. (n.d). Growing Colors. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Heiner, H. A. (2005, August 22). In My Pretty Garden. Retrieved from
Johnson County Library. (2011, February 8). Love and Valentines Day Storytime. [Web log post]. Retrieved from Mulvenna, L. (2013, January 17).
Layton, C. (2012, March 5). Surprise Garden.M4v. [Video]. Retrieved from
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. (2014, September 28). Goodbye bubbles. [Video]. Retrieved from
Shake Shake Shake [Web log post]. Retrieved from
No Time For Flash Cards. (2016, January 30). Circle Time Chant. [Video]. Retrieved from