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Deborah Fagnan

March Toddler Storytime: Friendship

Updated: Jul 25, 2019

Introduction: This storytime is developed specially for preschool children ages 4 & 5 and their parent/caregiver. Enjoy 1 hour of books, songs, rhymes, socialization and a craft with other young children and their parent/caregiver. Each session of preschool storytime consists of a variety of activities that incorporate reading, talking, writing, singing, talking, and playing.

Date: Every Wednesday

Time: 10:30 a.m.

Age Range: 2 - 3 years old.

Skills Supported: Socialization, Motor skills, and Visual Tracking Skills

Frequency: Weekly

Attendance: 20 children and their parent/caregiver

Staff or Volunteer Needed: 1 staff member, 1 volunteer

Format: Drop-in

Budget: $42.00


  • Bright Mini Maracas

  • Parachute

  • Five Good Friends Felt: $42.00 (one time purchase)

  • Splendid Friend Indeed Goose Template Printed on White Cardstock

  • Splendid Friend Indeed Polar Bear Template Printed on White Cardstock

  • Popsicle Sticks

  • Glue Sticks

  • Scissors

  • Crayons

Recommended Books:

Amanda & Her Alligator by Mo Willems

The More We Are Together by Scholastic

Blue Chameleon by Emily Gravett

I Can Help by David Hyde Costello

Owen & Mzee: Best Friends by Isabella Hatkoff

The More We are Together by Scholastic

Pepo and Lolo Are Friends by Ana Martín Lanrrañaga

A Splendid Friend, Indeed by Suzanne Bloom

1. Introduction:

Welcome to Toddler storytime. My name is Ms. Debbie. I am so glad to see you today. Our storytime is designed to be participated by everyone. We will share books, rhymes, and songs with your children. We encourage everyone to participate, but no worries if this doesn't happen. Sometimes when a child sees you participate, they might join in, but if your child is not in the mood, that is okay too. Our storytime can tend to be a little chaotic, but that is okay too. If you child becomes disruptive, please take your child outside the program and then join us again when your child has settled down. This is normal, it is part of the process. So let's start with our opening song.

2. Opening Song: How Many Friends are Here Today?

How many friends are here today?

How many friends are here today?

Let's count it out!

Let's clap it out!

Let's dance it out!

There are _____friends on their feet!

Now it's time to take your seat!

(Credit: Notimeforflashcards, 2016, January 30)

3. Early Literacy Aside: Explain

Children between the ages of 2 to 5 gradually learn how to become part of a social group. To success in this stage, children need to learn appropriate behaviors. At storytime, they can work on learning to successfully play with friends. "One major accomplishment is the acquisition of prosocial behaviors when the young child uses cooperating, sharing, and help behaviors for others" (Wortham, 2010, p. 99).

4. Theme Talk: Our storytime today is on friendship. We can take some time during these activities to teach the kids how a friend acts and behaves.

5. Action Rhyme:


If You're Friendly and You Know It

If You're friendly and you know it, clap your hands. If your friendly and you know it, clap your hands. If your friendly and you know it, and you really want to show it, If your friendly and you know it, clap your hands!

stomp your feet, pat your head, stand up-turn around-sit down....

(Credit: Childhood)

6. Book: The More We Are Together by Scholastic

7. Shakers:

Title-Shake Your Shaker (to the tune of London Bridge)


Shake your shaker in the air,

Shake it here, shake it there.

Shake your shaker in the air,

Shake your shaker.

Shake it high and shake it low,

Shake it yes, shake it no.

Shake it high and shake it low,

Shake your shaker.

Shake it up and shake it down,

Rub your shaker on the ground.

Shake it up and shake it down,

Shake your shaker.

Shake it near and shake it far,

Drive your shaker like a car.

Shake it near and shake it far,

Shake your shaker.

Shake it fast and shake it slow,

Shake it stop, shake it go.

Shake it fast and shake it slow,

Shake your shaker.

(Mulvenna, 2013)

8. Action Song:

(Credit: Kiboomers: Kids Music Channel, 2016).

The More We Get Together - Lyrics

The more we get together, together, together, The more we get together, the happier we'll be, ‘Cause your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends. The more we get together the happier we'll be!

The more we play together, together, together, The more we play together, the happier we'll be, ‘Cause your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends. The more we play together the happier we'll be!

The more we eat together, together, together, The more we eat together, the happier we'll be, ‘Cause your friends are my friends and my friends are your friends. The more we eat together the happier we'll be!

(Brain Building in Progress: Resources for Early Learning, 2014)

9. Felt board:

Using Felt board pieces purchased, children will enjoy taking turns putting their people on the felt board as we sing the song below:

(Artfelt Puppets, 2003)

Five little children playing on a sunny day, One had to take a nap, There were only four at play.

Four little children playing a game of ball, One had to leave when mother gave a call.

Three little children tried to climb a tree, One when home when he scraped his knee.

Two little children making a mud pie, One went home when he got mud in his eye.

Only one child playing all alone, There was a loud clap of thunder, [Clap hands together.] And she ran home.

(Heiner, 2005)

10. Early Literacy Aside: Example

Playing with other children at a young age, experiencing the fun of taking turns and sharing, and discovering that it is fun to pass the ball to someone else and then get it back are great ways to learn important social and emotional skills.

11. Parachute Game:

Children and parents/caregivers encircle the parachute or sheet. Raise it high overhead and say, "Up, up, up." Bring the parachute down low and say, "Down, down, down." Repeat several times. Lift the parachute up high again, cue your adult helpers, and say, "Under, under, under," then have everyone rush under the dome of the parachute or sheet.

12. Book:

A Splendid Friend, Indeed by Suzanne Bloom

(Rasmusssen, 2016).

13. Early Literacy Aside: Empower

While playing with your child, verbalize specific social skills as you are using them. An example would be, "I'm going to share this doll with you because that's a nice thing to do when you're playing." Point out how to take turns by saying, "I'm waiting for my turn until you are done." Use puppets, dolls or action figures to show other skills, such as how to invite a friend to play or how to respond to a child who behaves aggressively. (Morin, 2013)

14. Closing Song:

Goodbye Bubbles (Librarian will blow bubbles while the parents/caregivers and children sing the song.


Goodbye Bubbles

Goodbye Bubbles

Time to Go!

Time to Go!

I will help you

I will help you

With a Blow

With a Blow

15. End of Storytime Activity:

Children will make a goose and polar bear puppet and enjoy playing together in our puppet theater. Goose and polar bear template are located on the Parent/Caregiver Resource Pathfinder page. Recommended to cut out polar bear and goose puppets before storytime.

16. Takeaway:

Parents are provided with the March Toddler Early Literacy Newsletter. It is located on the Parent Resources Pathfinder page.



Artfelt Puppets. (2003). Five Good Friends. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Brain Building in Progress: Resources for Early Learning. (2014). Greeting Song: "The More We Get Together" #2. Retrieved from

Hansen Early Language Program. (2011). Know Your Child’s Friendship Skills. Retrieved from

Heiner, H. (2005, August 22). Surlalune Storytime: Will you be my friend. Retrieved from

Kiboomers: Kids Music Channel. (2016, August 4). The More we get together: Circle time songs for preschool. [Video]. Retrieved from

L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. (2014, September 28). Goodbye bubbles. [Video]. Retrieved from

Morin, A. (2013, March 12). How to Increase Toddler Socialization. Retrieved from

Mulvenna, L. (2013, January 17). Shake Shake Shake [Web log post]. Retrieved from

No Time For Flash Cards. (2016, January 30). Circle Time Chant. [Video]. Retrieved from

Radio Woodstock. (2018). Toddler storytime. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Rasmussen, N. (2016, September 21). Suzanne bloom reads a splendid friend, indeed retape. [Video]. Retrieved from

Scholastic. (2018). The More we are together. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Wortham, S. C. (2010). Early childhood curriculum: Developmental bases for learning and teaching. Boston: Pearson.

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