Introduction: This Storytime is developed especially for children two and three years old and their caregivers. Enjoy 45 minutes of books, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, socialization and a craft with other young children and their caregivers. Each session of toddler storytime consists of a variety of activities that incorporate reading, writing, singing, talking and playing.

Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Age Range: 2 to 3 years old
Skills Supported: Print awareness, motor skills, visual tracking skills, and socialization.
Frequency: Weekly
Attendance: 20 children and their parent/caregiver
Staff or Volunteer Needed: 1 staff member, 1 volunteer
Format: Registration is required. No drop-in patrons are refused
Budget: $29.00
Bubble Machine: $13.00
Pipe Cleaners
Pony Beads: $8.00
Bubble: $8.00
Paper Bowls
Books shared: (from storytime)
The Pigeon Needs a Bath by Mo Willem
Time for a Bath by Phillis Gershato
Other Books to Display on Book Cart at Storytime:
Bath Time by Eileen Spinelli
Big Red Tub by Julia Jarman
Bubble Bath Pirates by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
Get Out of My Bath! By Britta Teckentrupp
Maisy Takes a Bath by Lucy Cousins
Max’s Bath by Rosemary Wells
Tubby by Leslie Patricelli
1. Storytime Introduction: Welcome to Toddler Storytime. My name is Ms. Debbie. I am so glad to see you today. Our storytime is designed to be participated by everyone. We will share books, rhymes, and songs with your children. We encourage everyone to participate, but no worries if this doesn't happen. Sometimes when a child sees you participate, they might join in, but if your child is not in the mood, that is okay too. Our storytime can tend to be a little chaotic, but that is okay as well. If your child becomes disruptive, please take them outside the program room and then join us again when your child has settled down. This is normal, it is part of the process. So let's start with our opening song.
2. Opening Song:
(Credit: No Time For Flash Cards. 2016, January 30).
How Many Friends are Here Today
How many friends are here today?
How many friends are here today
Let's count it out!
Let's clap it out!
Let's dance it out!
There are ______ friends on their feet!
Now it's time to take your seat!
3. Early Literacy Aside: Explain:
As you sing, talk, read, write, and play with your child every day, you are supporting your children's prereading skills even at this early age, in enjoyable ways. Help your child become comfortable with books, starting now by letting them handle books. This helps children understand how books work. This one aspect of the skill called print awareness (Ghoting & Martin-Diaz, 2013, pp. 99-100)
4. Theme Talk:
When was the last time you used some water? (Allow a minute for the children to offer ideas. If they are reluctant, ask “Did you wash your hands today?” or “Did you brush your teeth?” Did any of you have a bath? Perhaps last night? Well, we are going to read some of my favorite books about bathtime. But first let’s sing one of our favorite songs.
5. Action Song:
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
(Child: Childhood)
6. Book:

The Pigeon Needs a Bath by Mo Willems
(Credit: Goodreads, n.d.)
7. Shakers Shaker Song
(Sung to the tune of “London Bridge)
Shake your shakers, shake, shake, shake,
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Shake your shakers, shake, shake, shake,
Shake your shakers!
Other Verses:
Shake your shakers high, high, high,
Shake your shakers low, low, low,
Shake your shakers fast, fast, fast,
Shake your shakers slow, slow, slow
(Credit: Mulvenna, L. (2013, January 17)
8. Early Literacy: Example
Books that use callouts or dialogue bubbles, like The Pigeon Needs a Bath by Mo Willems are great books to read to children. Read the book and then come back to a page with a callout bubble. The callout bubble is showing the reader that the character is talking. Show this to your child. "This will show children a convention of print that will make it easier for them to understand how print works as they learn to read later on" (Ghoting & Martin-Diaz, 2013, p. 215).
9. Felt Board
One elephant in the bathtub Going for a swim. Knock, Knock (Clap twice) Splash, Splash, (Slap knees twice) Come on in! (Motion with both hands to come in)
Two elephants in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, Knock (Clap twice)
Splash, Splash, (Slap knees twice)
Come on in! (Motion with both hands to come in)
Three elephants in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, Knock (Clap twice)
Splash, Splash, (Slap knees twice)
Come on in! (Motion with both hands to come in)
Four elephants in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, Knock (Clap twice)
Splash, Splash, (Slap knees twice)
Come on in! (Motion with both hands to come in)
Five elephants in the bathtub
Going for a swim.
Knock, Knock (Clap twice)
Splash, Splash, (Slap knees twice)
Come on in! (Motion with both hands to come in)
Five elephants in the bathtub Going for a swim. Knock, Knock, Splash, Splash, They all fell in! (Knock everything off the flannel board!)
(Credit: Sunflower Storytime, 2015, April 23).
Elephant Templates for felt board can be found on the Parent/Caregiver's Resource pathfinder page.
10. Bubble Time on the story rug:
At the end of playtime, I will explain to the children that we will have another opportunity to play with the bubbles, but now we are going to listen to a fun book.
11. Book:

Time for a Bath by Phillis Gershator
(Credit: Goodreads, n.d.)
12. Song
If You're Friendly and You Know It
If You're friendly and you know it, clap your hands.
If your friendly and you know it, clap your hands.
If your friendly and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If your friendly and you know it, clap your hands!
If You're friendly and you know it, stomp your feet,
If your friendly and you know it, stomp your feet.
If your friendly and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If your friendly and you know it, stomp your feet!
If You're friendly and you know it, pat your head,
If your friendly and you know it, pat your head.
If your friendly and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If your friendly and you know it, pat your head!
(Credit: childhood)
13. Early Literacy Aside: Empower
When children are playing, see you might add print to their play. For example, make bath time literacy time! Plastic bath books are great to read during baths. Foam letters and bath crayons can be used to learn the alphabet. Bath time is a wonderful opportunity to encourage play and imagination.
14. Closing Song:
(Credit: L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. (2014, September 28).
Goodbye Bubbles (Bubble Machine will be used)
Goodbye Bubbles
Goodbye Bubbles
Time to Go
Time to Go
I will help you
I will help you
With a blow
With a blow
15. Storytime Activity: All kids love bubbles. Kids and their parents/caregivers will make a bubble wand.

Place the two ends of a pipe cleaner together
Hold in middle and fold the top into a circle shape.
Add pony beads, leave about ¼" from the bottom so you can fold it.
Fold the end of the pipe cleaner up to hold the beads in place.
Fill up a small dish with bubbles and dip the circle end of the wand into the bubbles.
(Credit: Suez Water, 2018)
16. Takeaway: Parents/caregivers are given the Early Literacy Newsletter for Toddlers. (copy can be found on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder page.
Ghoting, S.N., & Martin-Diaz, P. (2013). Storytimes for everyone!. Chicago, IL: ALA
Goodreads. (n.d.). Pigeon Needs a Bath. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Goodreads. (n.d.). Time For a Bath. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Johnson County Library. (2014, May 13). Bubbles, Chalk and Wonder" Storytime [Web log post]. Retrieved from
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. (2014, September 28). Goodbye bubbles. [Video]. Retrieved from
Mulvenna, L. (2013, January 17). Shake Shake Shake [Web log post]. Retrieved from
No Time For Flash Cards. (2016, January 30). Circle Time Chant. [Video]. Retrieved from
Suez Water Education Division. (2018, Summer). K-12 Tours and Programs. Retrieved from
Sunflower Storytime. (2015, April 23). Bathtime and Bubbles [Web log post]. Retrieved from