Introduction: This Storytime is developed specially for children two and three years old and their caregivers. Enjoy 45minutes of books, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, socialization, and a craft with other young children and their caregivers. Each session of toddler storytime consists of a variety of activities that incorporate reading, writing, singing, talking, and playing.

Date: Every Wednesday
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Age Range: 2 to 3 years old
Skills Supported: Phonological awareness, motor skills, visual tracking skills, and socialization.
Frequency: Weekly
Attendance: 20 children with their parent/caregiver
Staff or Volunteer Needed: 1 staff member, 1 volunteer
Format: Registration is required. No drop-in patrons are refused.
Budget: $5.00
Spray Paint $5.00
Penguin Felt Board Template (print on cardstock). Template available on Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder page.
Laminating Paper
Sand Paper
Paper Tubes
White Spray Paint $4.99
Googly Eyes
Books Shared: (from storytime)
If you were a penguin by Wendell and Florence Minor
Penguins, Penguins Everywhere! by Bob Barker
A Splendid Friend Indeed by Suzanne Bloom
Virgil and Owen by Paulette Bogan
Other Books to Display on Book Cart at Storytime:
My Little Polar Bear by Cladia Rueda
Turtle's Penguin Day by Valeri Gorbachev
Where is Home, Little Pip? by Karma Wilson
Cold Paws, Warm Heart by Madeleine Floyd
Storytime Preparation
Make up name tags for all children registered for program. Be prepared to make additional labels for those who stop in that did not register.
Spread sheets of white and blue paper around the room. (Activity)
Set up the iPads with the penguin webcam:
Laminate penguins for felt board. Print out and laminate. Glue back with sandpaper. Penguins template available on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder
Spray paint paper rolls for craft in white. Copy of the instructions can be found on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder page.
1. Storytime Introduction:
Welcome to Toddler Storytime. My name is Ms. Debbie. I am so glad to see you today. Our storytime is designed to be participated by everyone. We will share books, rhymes, and songs with your children. We encourage everyone to participate, but no worries if this doesn't happen. Sometimes when a child sees you participate, they might join in, but if your child is not in the mood, that is okay as well. Our Storytime can tend to be a little chaotic, but that is okay too. If your child becomes disruptive, please take them outside the program room and then join us again when your child has settled down. This is normal, it is part of the process. So let's start with our opening song.
2. Opening Song:
How Many Friends are Here Today
How many friends are here today?
How many friends are here today
Let's count it out!Let's clap it out!
Let's dance it out!
There are ______ friends on their feet!
Now it's time to take your seat!
(No Time For Flash Cards. 2016, January 30).
3. Early Literacy Aside: Explain
Hearing the smaller sounds in words is phonological awareness. It is a major factor in children being able to sound out words when they learn to read. When we talk, sing, write, read, and play with our children we are helping them get ready to read.
4. Theme Talk:
Today we are going to talk about two types of animals, penguins and polar bears. They don't live near us, but we can find them in zoo's. Most of these animals like to live in very cold weather. I am going to read you some books about these very interesting animals.
5. Action Poem:
Two Little Penguins, Two Big Polar Bears
Two little penguins sitting on the beach. (hold up two fingers, one from each hand)
One named ___________ and one named ___________.
(Select names of the children at storytime until you have used everyone's name).
Waddled away ________. Waddled away __________(place hands behind back).
Come back __________. Come back _________ (bring hands back to front).
Two little penguins sitting on the ice (hold up two fingers).
One named ___________ and one named ___________.
(select names of the children at storytime until you have used everyone's name).
Waddled away ________. Waddled away __________(place hands behind back).
Come back __________. Come back _________ (bring hands back to front).
Two big polar bears sitting on the snow (hold up two fingers).
One named ___________ and one named ___________.
(select names of the children at storytime until you have used everyone's name).
Walk away ________. Walk away __________ (place hands behind back).
Come back __________. Come back _________ (bring hands back to front).
Two big polar bears sitting on the ice. (hold up two fingers)
One named ___________ and one named ___________.
(select names of the children at storytime until you have used everyone's name).
Run away ________. Run away __________ (place hands behind back).
Come back __________. Come back _________(bring hands back to front)
Credit: Deb Fagnan, Ridgefield Park Public Library
6. Big Books:
A Splendid Friend Indeed by Suzanne Bloom
(Rehoboth Beach Public Library, 2017, February 4)
7. Shakers:
Shaker Song - Sung to the tune of “London Bridge”
Shake your shakers, shake, shake, shake,
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
Shake your shakers, shake, shake, shake,
Shake your shakers!
Other Verses:
Shake your shakers high, high, high,
Shake your shakers low, low, low,
Shake your shakers fast, fast, fast,
Shake your shakers slow, slow, slow"
(Mulvenna, L. (2013, January 17)
8. Early Literacy: Example
Picking a book like Virgil and Owen by Paulette Bogan is full of interesting words that we might not use in regular conversation with our toddlers. Sharing this book or others like this with your children offers us the opportunity to build their vocabulary, as they hear new words and develop their listening skills, as they become aware of words that sound like the sounds themselves. When we expose our children to new words, even if they don't understand all the words right now, we build their vocabulary which makes it easier for them to understand words later and to understand what they will read.
9. Movement Activity:
Jump on an Iceberg and Swim in the Ocean (Like Musical Chairs)
(Sheets of white and blue paper should be taped to the floor prior to storytime).
Put some music on, and have children move and dance on the story rug.
When you pause the music and call out “Jump on an iceberg!” children must find a white piece of paper and hop on it.
Parents will play the game with their children.
When you pause the music and call out “Swim in the Ocean!” children must find a blue piece of paper and make swimming motions with their arms.
10. Information Book:
Penguins, Penguins Everywhere! by Bob Barker
(Once Upon a Story, 2018, January)
11. Technology:
Children will enjoy using our iPads to watch a live feed of Penguins using the iPads.
12. Song:
The More We Read Together
(From the song, The More We Get Together
The more we read together, together, together, The more we read together, the better it is! 'Cause reading and singing and talking together, Is how you learn the six skills for reading by six.
(Johnson County Library. (2011, February 8).
13. Felt Board:
Number penguins.
The children will bring up their penguin when I call their number. Parents/caregivers will help children with this activity. Copy of the template to make the penguins can be found on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder
14. Early Literacy Aside: Empower
Whether you are taking a walk, driving in a car, or in your home, talking and making sounds of different things is a great way to help children listen to and identify sounds. This is the same type of skill they will later need for sounding out words when they read (Ghoting & Martin-Diaz, 2013, p. 125).
15. Action Song:
Penguins [Tune of I'm a Little Tea Pot]
I'm a little penguin, black and white
I think the cold is very nice
I can hop around first once, then twice
I also think that ice is nice.
(Johnson County Library. (2011, February 8).
16. Closing Song:
(L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. (2014, September 28).
Goodbye Bubbles
(Librarian/staff associate will blow bubbles while the parents/caregiver and children sing the song.
Goodbye Bubbles
Goodbye Bubbles
Time to Go
Time to Go
I will help you
I will help you
With a blow
With a blow
17. Storytime Activity:

Polar Bear Craft. With the help of parents/caregivers, children will glue the paws, ears and eyes onto their polar bear. Template for Polar Bear can be found on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder page.
Image: (Formaro, A. 2017, July 06).
18. Takeaway:
Parents/caregivers are given the Early Literacy Newsletter for Toddlers. (copy can be found on the Parent/caregiver Resource pathfinder page.
Fagnan, D. (2018, October). Two Little Penguins, Two Big Polar Bears.
Formaro, A. (2017, July 06). Cardboard Tube Polar Bear. Retrieved from
Ghoting, S.N., & Martin-Diaz, P. (2013). Storytimes for everyone!. Chicago, IL: ALA
Goodreads. (n.d.) Virgil and Owen. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Johnson County Library. (2011, February 8). Polar Bears and Penguins [Web log post]. Retrieved from
L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. (2014, September 28). Goodbye bubbles. [Video]. Retrieved from
Mulvenna, L. (2013, January 17). Shake Shake Shake [Web log post]. Retrieved from
No Time For Flash Cards. (2016, January 30). Circle Time Chant. [Video]. Retrieved from
Once Upon a Story. (2018, January 8). Penguins, Penguins, Everywhere by Bob Barker. [Video]. Retrieved from