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Deborah Fagnan

Toddler Storytime: Colors of the Rainbow

Updated: Jul 25, 2019

Introduction: This storytime is developed especially for preschool children ages 4 & 5 and their parent/caregiver. Enjoy 1 hour of books, songs, rhymes, socialization and a craft with other young children and their parent/caregiver. Each session of preschool storytime consists of a variety of activities that incorporate reading, talking, writing, singing, and playing.



Date: Every Wednesday

Time: 10:30 a.m.

Age Range: 2 - 3 years old.

Skills Supported: Print conventions and awareness, motor skills, visual tracking skills, and socialization

Frequencyc: WeeklyPrint conventions and Awareness, motor skills, visual tracking skills, and socialization

Attendance: 20 children and their parent/caregiver

Staff or Volunteer Needed: 1 staff member, 1 volunteer

Format: Drop-in

Budget: $31.00


  • ipad's

  • Speak Colors App: (free)

  • Toy Bucket for Plastic Balls

  • Bright Mini Maracas

  • Felt for Flannel Board: Red, Yellow, Pink, Green, Purple, Orange and Blue

  • Print out the Rainbow Color Felt Board Template

  • Sample of a Rainbow for the Felt Board.

  • Rainbow Color Craft Template (copy on Parent Resource Pathfinder page).

  • Colorful plastic balls from Oriental Trading. $31.00 (one time purchase)

Books to Share:

Duckies Rainbow by Frances Barry

Colors by Bright Baby

Duck and Goose: Colors by Tad Hills

A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni

Growing Colors by Bruce McMillan

Peppa's First Colors by Scholastic

Bear Sees Colors by Karma Wilson


1. Introduction: Welcome to toddler storytime. My name is Ms. Debbie. I am so glad to see you today. Our storytime is designed to be participated by everyone. We will share books, rhymes, and songs with your child. We encourage everyone to participate, but no worries if this doesn't happen. Sometimes when a child sees you participate, they might join in, but if your child is not in the mood, that is okay as well. Our storytime can tend to be a little chaotic, but that is okay too. If you child becomes disruptive, please take your child outside the program and then join us again when your child has settled down. This is normal, it is part of the process. So let's start with our opening song.

2. Opening Song:

How Many Friends are Here Today.

How Many Friends are Here Today?


How many friends are here today?

How many friends are here today?

Let's count it out!

Let's clap it out!

Let's dance it out!

There are _____friends on their feet!

Now it's time to take your seat!

(Credit:, 2016, January 30)

3. Early Literacy Aside: Explain

When children are young, they still think of books as toys. They might put them in their mouth, or tear the pages. You can help them through this stage by sharing books with them. Keep some in their toy box. You will be helping them learn how books work. In other words, you are teaching them print awareness.

4. Theme Talk:

Our storytime today is on the colors of the rainbow. Can anyone think of a color? What is your favorite color?

5. Action Rhyme:

Use an iPad that shows the colors as you chant the rhyme. Example of a free app that would work well is Parents/caregivers will help children show me their colors.

If You’re Wearing… Red, red is the color I see If you’re wearing red then show it to me. Stand up. Spin around. Show me your red and then sit back down on the ground. (blue, yellow, green)

(Credit: Childhood)

6. Book:

Bear Sees Colors by Karma Wilson

7. Shakers:

Shake Your Shaker

(To the tune of London Bridge)


Shake your shaker in the air,

Shake it here, shake it there.

Shake your shaker in the air,

Shake your shaker.

Shake it high and shake it low,

Shake it yes, shake it no.

Shake it high and shake it low,

Shake your shaker.

Shake it up and shake it down,

Rub your shaker on the ground.

Shake it up and shake it down,

Shake your shaker.

Shake it near and shake it far,

Drive your shaker like a car.

Shake it near and shake it far,

Shake your shaker.

Shake it fast and shake it slow,

Shake it stop, shake it go.

Shake it fast and shake it slow,

Shake your shaker.

(Credit: Mulvenna, 2013)

8. Action Song:

While we sing the song, parents can use the Colors of the Rainbow prompts. (These are laminated wall strips of each of the colors with its name). Copies of these are found on the Parents Resource Pathfinder page.

I Can Sing A Rainbow


Red and yellow, pink and green, Purple and Orange and blue. I can sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow too.

Red and yellow, pink and green,

Purple and Orange and blue.

I can sing a rainbow,

Sing a rainbow, Sing a rainbow too. (Credit: Rausch, 2013, January 5)

9. Felt board:

Parents, let's have your child help create a rainbow on the felt board. (A sample of the rainbow is already on the felt board).


  • Parents will be given a strip of the rainbow.

  • I will call the name of the color.

  • If you have the color, have your child bring it up to the felt board.

  • Everyone will have a chance to come up.

10. Early Literacy Aside: Example

Pointing to a few words or a repeated phrase in a book is one way for children to make a connection between the printed word in the book to the words we say. This week could be a fun week to show your child books that have the words of colors and then show them a picture of that color.

I have made a color wall board that you can print out and use at home. You can find it on the libraries website, under the Parent/Caregivers Resource pathfinder page.

11. Balls:

Today I have some ball we can play with. Can you go to the bucket and get a few different color balls? How do the balls feel? What colors are they? What is your favorite color? The balls are circles. What can you do with your ball? Can you make a circle around your ball? Let's put the balls away now. Can you put them back in the bucket, and we will have more fun?

12. Book:

Duck and Goose: Colors by Tad Hills

(Credit: Yumi, 2016, April 11).

13. Early Literacy Aside: Empower

The concept behind print conventions and awareness is that print has meaning. Print is all around us. This helps children learn that the printed word has meaning. According to the National Early Literacy Panel, the rapid automatic naming of colors helps children with later literacy achievement. ( 2008, p. vii).

14. Closing Song:

Goodbye Bubbles (Librarian will blow bubbles while the parents/caregiver and children sing the song.


Goodbye Bubbles

Goodbye Bubbles

Time to Go

Time to Go

I will help you

I will help you

With a blow

With a blow

(Credit: .E. Phillips Memorial Public Library, 2014, September 28)

15. End of Storytime Activity:

Children will make a rainbow color craft. Copy can be found on the Parent Resource Pathfinder page. Parents also can use the iPads to play with the Speak Color app. Age appropriate books and toys have also been spread out on the story rug by the volunteer.

16. Takeaway:

Parents are provided with a the January Toddler Early Literacy Newsletter. It is located on the Parent Resource Pathfinder page.



Art Hearty. (n.d.). Finger painting with your toddler. [Digital Image}. Retrieved from:

Fagnan,D, (2018, October). Colors Wall Board. [Digital Image].

Fagnan, (2018, October). Rainbow Color Craft. [Digital Image].

L.E. Phillips Memorial Public Library. (2014, September 28). Goodbye bubbles. [Video]. Retrieved from

Mulvenna, L. (2013, January 17). Shake Shake Shake [Web log post]. Retrieved from

National Institute for Literacy. (2008). Developing early literacy: Report of the national early literacy panel. Retrieved from

No Time For Flash Cards. (2016, January 30). Circle Time Chant. [Video]. Retrieved from

Powerfule Mothering. (n.d.) Rainbow Puzzle Felt. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Radio Woodstock. (2018). Toddler storytime. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from

Rausch, K. (2013, January 5). Sing a rainbow. [Video]. Retrieved from

Super Duper Storytime. (2017, January 1). Duck and Goose: Colors! [Video]. Retrieved from

Yumi, M. (2016, April 11). Bears sees colors by karma wilson- Stories for kids - Children's read along aloud. [Video]. Retrieved from

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