An hour of early literacy educational programs for home-school families. Programs are designed collaboratively between the children's librarian and home-school families. These programs include story times, STEM projects, crafts and other activities each week. Registration is required. Open to children ages 2 - 12.
Age Range: 2 -12
Length: 1 Hour
How long did you need to prep for the program: 20 minutes
How long did the actual program take start to finish? 1 hour
Number of Attendees
How many did you plan or set registration for? 10
Let's Look at Winter by Sarah L. Schuette
The Story of Snow : The Science of Winter's Wonder by Mark Cassino
Description of Program
Provide a very brief description of the program. Feel free to attach your flyer or any other promotional handouts for the event.
Program Prep:
Overhead project with laptop set up on google doc ( (6 minutes)
Boil water in teapot
After children listen to the book, The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter’s Wonderland by Mark Cassino, children will listen and watch the powerpoint, Snowflakes: A Winter Wonderland. PowerPoint. ( (6 minutes)
Afterwards, the children will browse through the information books looking at photos of real snowflakes. Children will then make a crystal snowflakes with the aid of their parent/caregiver.
Craft Project:
My Snowflake Creation!
Supplies (To make Snowflake Crystal)
Boiling Water (teapot)
White Pipe Cleaner
1” Wooden Dowel
Blue Food Coloring
Children will listen to the book, The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter’s Wonderland by Mark Cassino.
Children will listen and have a discussion about how snowflakes form using a powerpoint presentation: (Please put in presenter mode to view) (6 minutes)
Children will make a crystalized snowflake.

Crystal Snowflake
Cut pipe cleaner into three even pieces. (Approximately 3.5” wide)
Twist the sections together and create a 6 point star.
Trim your star to fit your jar.
Cut your string about 10”.
Tie your string to the star.
Make sure your string does not touch the bottom of the jar.
Tie the string to the dowel.
Fill the jar with boiling water.
Add 3 tablespoons of the borax per cup of water and stir well.
Add drops of food coloring to obtain the desired shade of blue.
Put your star in the jar.
Take home and let it sit overnight.
Mason Jars $16.00 (I have some at home to donate)
Borax (We have) $5.00
Wooden Dowels or straws
Laptop/overhead on google doc.
Boil water ahead of time in teapot
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