An hour of early literacy educational programs for home-school families. Programs are designed collaboratively between the children's librarian and home-school families. These programs include story times, STEM projects, crafts and other activities each week. Registration is required. Open to children ages 2 - 12.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Crayon Story Time
Ages 2 - 12
Length: 1 hour
How long did you need to prep for the program? 20 minutes
How long did the actual program take start to finish? 1 hour
Number of Attendees
How many did you plan or set registration for? 15
How many did you actually have attend? 10
Plastic or paper cups, 6 oz
Pipe Cleaner
I Have a Dream Strip Template. Template found on Tool page (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Coloring sheets of blue, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, red, and yellow. Found on the tool page under Martin Luther King, Jr.
Overhead projector and laptop for Martin Luther King video (Located on the Martin Luther King, Jr. Pathfinder page.
Exactor knife
Paper cutter
Description of Program
In order to provide a simple understanding of Martin Luther King, Jr., I have developed a program around differences. Using crayons to help children understand the people are different just like crayons in a crayon box.
Propgram Prep:
Set up overhead for YouTube Video.
Have computers set up on Pathfinder page, Colors
Cut Freedom Bell Strips out in color. One strip per child (Use a paper cutter)
At storytime, children will listen to to the nonfiction book, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day by Lisa M. Herrington.
We will then talk about the big March in Washington D.C. and Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream Speech".
We will then listen to one of two YouTube videos on the pathfinder page. (Link can be found on the tool page under Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Children will make a Freedom Bell
We will then listen to a fun book called The Crayon Box that Talked by Shane DeRolf.
We will then go on the computers. Children will navigate to the Colors Pathfinder page and select their favorite color and print out a coloring sheet. (Located on the pathfinder page - link available from the tool page)
Children color their sheet.
Under $10 for 15 children.
Arts and Crafts Project:
Freedom Bell
Parent or librarian will cut a very small whole in the bottom of the cup in order to slide a pipe cleaner through it.
Tie a bell on the side of pipe cleaner and not it so the bell doesn't fall off.
Slide pipe cleaner through, leaving the bell inside the cup.
Loop the pipe cleaner and twist end to make a circle shape.
Push the knot down so it is inside the cup. It will keep the pipe cleaner from moving.
Take your Freedom strip and wrap it around cup and secure with tape.

Having the room ready and technology checked is always key in a successful program. The more you have prepared ahead of time, the more enjoyable it is for everyone.
Submitted by:
Debbie Fagnan, Head of Children's Services