Introduction: Enjoy songs, knee-bouncers, and simple books in English and Spanish with your young child at Bilingual Family Storytime. Recommended for ages 0 - 5 years old. This program is for native Spanish speaking children and their parents/caregivers, as well as a chance for non-native speakers to expose their kids to a new language and culture.

Date: Every Monday
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Age Range: 0 to 4 years old
Skills Supported: Develop phonological awareness, motor skills, visual tracking skills, and socialization
Frequency: Weekly
Attendance: 20 children and their parent/caregiver
Staff or Volunteer Needed: 1 staff member, 1 volunteer
Format: Drop-in
Budget: $20.00
Bilingual Felt Board: Colors. Copy of the felt board pieces can be found on the Parent/Resource Pathfinder page.
Bilingual Colors Worksheet Activity. Copy of this worksheet can be found on the Parent/Resource Pathfinder page.
Felt Board Colors: $20.00
Books to share with your child:
Azul el sombrero, Verde el sombrero / Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton
De Colores: Bright with Colors by David Díaz.
Fiesta Babies by Carmen Tafolla
Harold y el lapis color morado / Harry and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson and Teresa Mlawer
My Colors, Mis Colores by Rebecca Emberley
Storytime Prep:
Print out and make bilingual felt board pieces which can be found on the Parent/Resource Pathfinder page.
Print out activity for children. Copies can be found on the Parent/Resource Pathfinder page.
Print out copies of the parent newsletter in Spanish and Engish. Copies can be found Parent/Resource Pathfinder page.
1. Storytime Introduction
Welcome to bilingual storytime. My name is Ms. Debbie. I am so glad to see you today. Our storytime is designed to be participated by everyone. We will share books, rhymes, and songs with your children in English and Spanish. We encourage everyone to participate, but no worries if this doesn't happen. Sometimes when a child sees you participate, they might join in, but if your child is not in the mood, that is okay too. Our storytimes can tend to be a little chaotic, but that is okay too. If your child becomes disruptive, please take them outside the program room and then join us again when your child has settled down. This is normal, it is part of the process. So let's get started with our opening song.
2. Opening Song:
Credit: (Spanish Together, 2018, April 11).
Hola, hola / Hello, Hello
Hola, hola
Como estas
Muy bien, gracias
Muy Bien, gracias
Hola, hola
Como estas
Muy bien, gracias
Muy bien, gracias
Y tu
Muy Bien
Hello, Hello
How are you
Very well, thank-you
Very well, thank-you
Hello, Hello
How are you
Very well, thank-you
Very well, thank you
and you
Very well
3. Early Literacy Aside: Explain
Phonological awareness is the ability to hear and play with the smaller sounds in words. It includes recognizing environmental sounds, being able to hear syllables (including breaking words apart and blending them together), rhyming, and identifying sounds at the beginning of words (Ghoting and Martin-Diaz, 2013, p. 9). Today, I will show you ways to help your child develop phonological awareness while you talk, read, write, sing and play with your child in both English and Spanish.
4. Theme Talk:
Colors are all around us. It is specially beautiful as our weather begin to get warmer and flowers and plants begin to grow. Who can tell me their favorite color in English or Spanish or in both languages.
5. Rhyme:
Librarian will go around the circle and ask each child: (Answer can be in English or Spanish) As children get use to the rhyme, they can help say the rhyme with the librarian.
Zapatito blanco, zapatito azul.
(Little white shoe, little blue shoe.)
Dime ¿cuántos años tienes tú?
(Tell me, how old are you?)
(Credit: Idaho Government, 2013, November 17-23)
6. Book:

My Colors, Mis Colores by Rebecca Emberley
(Credit: Goodreads, n.d.)
7. Felt Board/Song:
It is set to the tune of Frère Jacques.
Los Colores
Red is Rojo Green is Verde Blue, Azul Negro, Black Yellow, Amarillo Purple is Morado Grey is Gris Brown, Café.
(Credit: Flannel Friday: Los Colores. 2015, April 23)
8. Action Song. Use you hands as you sing the song in both Spanish and English.
Look at the rainbow in the sky: hand up to the sky.
What colors do you see? (Touch your eyes)
Red, yellow, and blue: (point to something in the room that is red, yellow and then blue.

(Credit: Songs for teaching: Using music to promote learning, 2012).
Note: (Lyrics can be heard and ordered at
9. Early Literacy Aside: Example
Research tells us that children who are literate in their native language have an advantage in learning English. Researchers teach us that phonological awareness transfers between languages.
(Ghoting and Martin-Diaz, 2013, pp. 215-216)
10. Book:

Green is a Chile Pepper : A Book of Colors by Roseanne Greenfield Thong
(Credit: Goodreads, n.d.)
11. Flannel Board: Color
Using felt pieces in both Spanish and English, put them in the center of the rug, in front of all the children. Call out a color in either English or Spanish and ask who could tell them what the color is? Have them put the color on the felt board.
12. Action Song:
If You’re Happy and You Know It
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.
If you’re happy and you know it,
then your face will surely show it.
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.
Sing it again with these actions:
...stomp your feet (stomp, stomp)
...shout “Hurray!” (Hurray!) all three (clap, clap, stomp, stomp, Hurray!)
Si eres feliz y lo sabes
Si eres feliz y lo sabes bate las manos
Si eres feliz y lo sabes bate las manos
Si eres feliz y lo sabes,
Entonces pon las señales.
Si eres feliz y lo sabes bate las manos
... dé patadas
... grita hurra (¡Hu-rra!)
... haz los tres
(Credit: Idaho Government, 2013, November 17-23)
13. Early Literacy Aside: Empower
There are a number of ways to teach children to speak more than one language. Give your child many opportunities to hear and practice using both languages in everyday situations. You can read to your child in both languages. (Reading Rockets. 2017, August 24). We have a wonderful bilingual Spanish section with great boardbooks, easy readers, and picture books to pick from. Ms. Peggy has a cart of some of the books that have to do with colors for you to borrow or read here. I hope you can stay for our activity after storytime. If you can't, please see Ms. Peggy and she will give you a copy of the activity to take home with you.
14. Closing Song:
(Credit: Perez, 2013, June 12)
Adios Amigos (Goodbye Song) sing the song in both English and Spanish
Adiós amigos,adiós
Clap (2x)
Adiós amigos,adiós
Clap (2x)
Adiós amigos,adiós amigos,
Adiós amigos, adiós
Clap (2x)
Then in English:
Goodbye friends, goodbye
Clap (2x)
Goodbye friends, goodbye
Clap (2x)
Goodbye friends, goodbye friends
Goodbye friends, goodbye
Clap (2x)
15. Activity:
Together, children and their families will color the pictures that correspond with the color in Spanish. You can find a copy of this on the Parent/Caregiver Resource Pathfinder page.
(Credit: Idaho Government, 2018, October)
Discount School Supply. (2018). English and spanish felt set. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Flannel Friday: los colores [Web log post]. (2015, April 23). Retrieved from
Goodreads. (n.d.) Green is a chile pepper: a Book of Colors. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Goodreads. (n.d.). My colors, Mis colores. [Digital Image]. Retrieved from
Idaho Government. (2013, November 17-23). Bilingual storytime ideas: Mixed ages. Retrieved from
Idaho Governement. (2018, October). The Bookworm newsletter. Retrieved from
Perez, M. (2013, June 12). Spanish-adios amigos (goodbye song). [Video]. Retrieved from
Reading Rockets. (2017, August 24). Learning Two Languages. Retrieved from
Songs for teaching: Using music to promote learning. (2012). Arcoiris. Retrieved from
Spanish Together. (2018, April 11). Hola, hola, Hello hello: Greeting song in spanish. [Video]. Retrieved from